Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
No. At Pettit Pastures, our cattle rotationally graze pastures in the spring, summer and fall. In the winter we feed locally produced hay. Our cattle are never fed any grain or starch substitutes. They have a 100% forage diet.
Yes, Pettit Pastures is certified 100% Grass fed by both the American Grassfed Association and USDA Grass Fed Certified.
The USDA Grass Fed Label means that grass and forage shall be the feed source consumed for the lifetime of the ruminant animal, with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning. The diet shall be derived solely from forage consisting of grass (annual and perennial), forbs (e.g., legumes, Brassica), browse, or cereal grain crops in the vegetative (pre-grain) state. Animals cannot be fed grain or grain by products and must have continuous access to pasture during the growing season. Hay, haylage, baleage, silage, crop residue without grain, and other roughage sources may also be included as acceptable feed sources. Routine mineral and vitamin supplementation may also be included in the feeding regimen.
However it does not restrict the use of antibiotics or growth hormones. It also does not restrict the use of cattle purchased from other farms or even other countries. It only requires that animals have access to pastures during the growing season, in Minnesota the growing season is only 6 months a year. That means the rest of the year cattle could be raised in feedlot conditions and still qualify for the program. Lastly, there is no third party verification and mandatory no on farm audits to verify that all the provisions of the certification are being adhered to.
AGA’s standards are based on several fundamentals:
An AGA-Certified Grassfed animal is born, raised, and finished on open grass pastures where perennial and annual grasses, forbs, legumes, brassicas, browse and post-harvest crop residue without grain are the sole energy sources, with the exception of mother’s milk, from birth to harvest. Hay, haylage, silage, and ensilage from any of the above sources may be fed to animals while on pasture during periods of inclement weather or low forage quality.
AGA-Certified Grassfed ruminants must graze pasture where they will receive most, if not all, of their nutrition, and be allowed to fulfill their natural behaviors and basic instincts of grazing at all times. The only exceptions to this standard are emergencies that may threaten the safety and well-being of the animals or soil, and management practices such as roundups, sorting, shipping, and weaning.
Mineral and vitamin supplements may be provided free choice to adjust the animals’ nutrient intake and to correct deficiencies in the total diet energy source. The feeding of animal by-products is prohibited, and no antibiotics, ionophores, or hormones of any type may be administered. Any animal in need of medical attention must be treated to relieve its symptoms. If prohibited medication or antibiotics are required for treatment, the animal must be tagged, identified, and removed from the certified grassfed program. Producers will develop and maintain a written record of all vaccines, medications, and/or other substances used in their animal health care program.
Animals eligible for acceptance in the AGA Certified Grassfed program must be born and raised in the United States of America. Animals must be identified at the earliest opportunity following birth by a producer-determined animal identification system. Each animal’s record must include breed, ear tag or unique identification number, date of birth, and owner. Producer records that trace an animal from birth to harvest must accompany animals when delivered to processor. Genetically engineered and or cloned animals are prohibited.
Pettit Pastures believes that the American Grassfed Association’s certification is superior to the USDA’s certification for the above stated reasons. Also the AGA requires all certified farms to undergo a yearly third party audit to ensure that all of there standards are being adhered to.
Absolutely not. While we sometimes must treat a sick animal with antibiotics, they will not be sold as Pettit Pastures Grass fed Beef. We never use growth hormones of any kind.
It starts with our cows. Pettit Pastures has chosen Lowline Angus cross cattle to use in our Minnesota Grass fed beef operation. Lowline Angus are a smaller breed of cow that is extremely efficient at converting a natural forage diet into top quality Grass fed Beef. We also make sure that the cows are gaining always gaining weight from birth right up till harvest , this is key to producing a well marbled and tender Grass fed Beef in Minnesota.
Yes, we can arrange delivery of our Grass fed beef anywhere in Minnesota.
Yes. We welcome anyone to come out and inspect our farm first hand. Just give us a call to schedule a time.

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